


Changing the way we administer research

ResearchUVA is helping us strengthen and grow our research enterprise, reducing administrative burden and creating savings.

Learn How

ResearchUVA is a software platform that was developed in-house with the goal of changing the way we pursue, manage and think about sponsored programs

The business of research at UVA includes more than $1.5B in proposal activity and $500M in awards annually. ResearchUVA is at the heart of UVA’s continued success and growth in research. Through it, we transact business and analyze data related to our sponsored programs to ensure we:

Maintain the value of our research enterprise by tracking our existing activities to see how efficiently and effectively we are managing our resources;
Create more value and growth by enabling us to identify new opportunities, expand existing ones, and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration.

ResearchUVA was built for and with the people who use the system.

ResearchUVA users come from across the University: faculty, research and financial administrators, and senior administrative leaders (institutionally and within schools), representing a broad set of individuals within the research enterprise. The project was funded by the Strategic Investment Fund and is now in maintenance mode.

What Our Users Say

I’ve had great success showing faculty what they can view in ResearchUVA and how they can track the progress of proposals, notices of award, check payments, non-funded agreements, etc. They’ve all responded positively and want to see more.

Catherine Thompson, Pre-Award Research Administrator, Curry School of Education
The transparency of ResearchUVA improves accountability. We know where proposals are in process, who’s responsible for doing what, and where and when we need to take action. We didn’t have that before ResearchUVA.
Ruthanne Porreca, Office of Pre-award Research Administration, SEAS
ResearchUVA enables the faculty to spend less time trying to figure out where their funds are and how much are left, and more time spending them wisely and generating ideas for additional funding.
Robert G. Kelly, Department of Materials Science & Engineering