eNFA Guidelines

eNFA Guidelines

These Guidelines explain the data elements in the eNFA to help ensure all users understand what specific information we are asking for in each section.

The eNFA, similar to the ePRF, has several tabs. Depending on your answers to certain questions, different tabs will become available to fill out. Below are links to guides for the different sections of the eNFA. 

Starting an eNFA

1. In ResearchUVA: On left-side menu, select “Start” and then “NFA”

- OR -

In the pink “What Do You Want To Do?” box on your Dashboard, select “Start Non-Funded Agreement”

2. Answer initial questions. Depending on your answers to these questions, you may be referred to the ePRF or Procurement. Otherwise, you will continue to the next eNFA questions. Select “Ok.”


3. If this request relates to a current or previous NFA, answer “yes” to enter applicable NFA number (if available), enter modification details, and upload the original agreement (if available.

If this does not relate to a current or previous NFA, answer “no” to continue with a New Non-Funded Agreement.


4. Identify the purpose(s) of the agreement:

Be sure to identify everything that the PI wants to do in the context of this NFA. Missing or incorrect information may delay negotiation/execution.


5. Enter Principal Investigator. Once you begin to type in a name, the system will generate a drop-down list. Selecting the name you are intending will generate the Principal Investigator’s contact information, department, Conflict of Interest information (disclosure and training), and Citizenship Status

6. Verify Administrative Contact information. The system will default to your information in this field. Make changes by clicking on “Change” next to the Administrative Contact or the Responsible Organization. Select “Ok.”

7. Enter information for each tab that is present. The General, Personnel, and Regulatory tabs are present for every type of NFA. All other tabs depend on which Purpose you identified in Step 4. To change or add a purpose after selecting “Ok” in step 6, select the “Change Purpose” button in the summary panel on the left.

Completing the General Tab

1. Enter Project Title.

This should be a title that makes sense to the Principal Investigator and that can uniquely identify this NFA. Thus, “NFA” is not an appropriate title.


2. Enter Start and End Dates.

These dates are aspirational, and will not necessarily reflect what the final dates are as listed in the agreement. However, they provide helpful information to the Grants & Contracts team.


3. Enter a Project Description and/or Upload a Statement of Work/Project Description.

When entering a project description, be as detailed and as clear as possible. This information will drive the parameters of the agreement.


4. Enter Parties and Address.

Just like the Principal Investigator field, you can begin typing here and select the Legal Entity name from the drop-down list.

If your Legal Entity does not appear, click “Create New Legal Entity” and enter the name and address.

The legal entity address does not automatically populate, and you will need to enter the address of the organization with which you are intending to contract.  The OSP Electronic Research Administration team will then review, vet, setup new customers in Oracle, and then update the form using the name in the Oracle record.  Confirming the legal entity name, with supporting government-issued documentation, prior to entry on the form, will expedite the process.

Identify the person responsible for contracts at the outside party (not typically the PI), and provide an email address for that person.


5. Do you have a draft agreement from the outside entity? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, upload draft agreement.


6. Enter Additional Information, if desired.

Select “Save.”


7. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Verify that Principal Investigator information pulled over from previous section.

If the citizenship status information is incorrect, notify [email protected].

2. Are there other UVA Faculty or research Staff involved? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, begin typing name of faculty/staff member and select from drop-down list.

Review the person’s contact information, department, Conflict of Interest information (disclosure and training), and Citizenship Status. Select the person’s Role from the drop-down menu provided:


6. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

Add additional personnel, as needed:

Use the  icons to add and remove personnel as needed.


3. Do you anticipate that there will be students participating in the project? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, answer additional questions about students.

You can indicate both “Graduate” and “Undergraduate” students, as well as both “Paid” and “Unpaid.”


4. Verify that Administrative Contact and Responsible Organization information pulled over from previous section.


5. Enter Additional Information, if desired.

Select “Save.”



1. Complete the following if SENDING data, otherwise skip to step 2:

1a. Describe the data you are sending.

Generally describe the data, and be sure to indicate whether there is personally identifiable or other sensitive information included.

Upload List of Data Elements (if applicable).

1b. Was all the data you are sending created at UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If no:

  • Enter the source of the data.

  • Do you have permission to send the data? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, upload permission documentation.

1c. Describe the recipient’s use of the data and/or Upload Description of permitted use.

1d. Indicate whether the project includes information, data, or materials related to:

Human Subjects or Information derived from Human Subjects

  • If yes, answer IRB questions

Vertebrate Animals

  • If yes, answer IACUC questions

For a reminder of the criteria for these questions, refer to the following links:

Determination of Human Subjects

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

1e. Indicate any restrictions or instructions that will apply to the recipient’s use of the data:

  • Publication recognition
  • Publication restrictions/disclosures or results
  • Linking with other data sets
  • Use by third parties
  • Disposal methods
  • Other

1f. Describe your security expectations related to the use, storage, handling, or transfer of the data.

Upload security plan (if applicable).

1g. Will UVA receive reimbursement for any costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

2. Complete the following if RECEIVING data, otherwise, skip to step 3:

2a. Describe the data you are receiving.

Generally describe the data, and be sure to indicate whether there is personally identifiable or other sensitive information included.

Upload List of Data Elements (if applicable).

2b. Describe your use of the data and/or Upload Description of your permitted use.

2c. Enter the source(s) of funds to support the activity under this NFA.

There is space already for one Oracle Project Number and Oracle Award Number. If you need to add more, select the green plus symbol (). To remove one, select the red minus symbol ( ).

2d. Indicate whether your project includes information, data, or materials related to:

Human Subjects or Information derived from Human Subjects

  • If yes, answer IRB questions

Vertebrate Animals

  • If yes, answer IACUC questions

For a reminder of the criteria for these questions, refer to the following links: 

Determination of Human Subjects

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

2e. If necessary, check any restrictions or instructions that will apply to your use of the data:

  • Publication recognition
  • Publication restrictions/disclosures or results
  • Linking with other data sets
  • Use by third parties
  • Disposal methods
  • Other

2f. Describe your security expectations related to the use, storage, handling, or transfer of the data.

Upload security plan (if applicable).

2g. Will the sending party receive reimbursement for any costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Complete the following if SENDING materials, otherwise skip to step 2:

1a. Describe the materials you are sending.

Generally describe the materials you are sending, and be sure to indicate whether there is personally identifiable or other sensitive information included.

Upload list of materials (if applicable).

1b. Were all the materials you are sending created at UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If no:

  • Enter the source of the materials.
  • Do you have permission to send the materials? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, upload permission documentation.

1c. Describe the recipient’s intended use of the materials and/or Upload Description of the permitted use.

1d. Indicate whether the project includes information, data, or materials related to:

Human Subjects or Information derived from Human Subjects

  • If yes, answer IRB questions

Vertebrate Animals

  • If yes, answer IACUC questions

For a reminder of the criteria for these questions, refer to the following links: 

Determination of Human Subjects

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

1e. Indicate any restrictions or instructions that will apply to the recipient’s use of the materials:

  • Publication recognition
  • Publication restrictions/disclosures or results
  • Use by third parties
  • Disposal methods
  • Other

1f. Describe your security expectations related to the use, storage, handling, or transfer of the materials.

1g. Will UVA receive reimbursement for any costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

2. Complete the following if RECEIVING materials, otherwise, skip to step 3:

2a. Describe the materials you are receiving.

Generally describe the materials, and be sure to indicate whether there is personally identifiable or other sensitive information included.

Upload list of materials (if applicable).

2b. Describe your intended use of the materials and/or Upload Description.

2c. Enter the source(s) of funds to support the activity under this NFA.

There is space already for one Oracle Project Number and Oracle Award Number. If you need to add more, select the green plus symbol (). To remove one, select the red minus symbol ().

2d. Indicate whether your project includes information, data, or materials related to:

Human Subjects or Information derived from Human Subjects

  • If yes, answer IRB questions

Vertebrate Animals

  • If yes, answer IACUC questions

For a reminder of the criteria for these questions, refer to the following links: 

Determination of Human Subjects

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

2e. Indicate any restrictions or instructions that may apply to your use of the materials:

  • Publication recognition
  • Publication restrictions/disclosures or results
  • Use by third parties
  • Disposal methods
  • Other

2f. Describe your security expectations related to the use, storage, handling, or transfer of the materials.

2g. Will the sending party receive reimbursement for any shipping costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

Confidential Information

1. Complete the following if SENDING confidential information, otherwise skip to step 2:

1a. Describe the subject matter of the confidential information.

1b. Did the confidential information you will be sending originate outside of UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes:

  • Enter the source of the confidential information.
  • Upload relevant agreements or other documents related to the source of confidential information.

1c. Is the confidential information related to any existing intellectual property that is owned by UVA or a member of the faculty? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes:

  • Has the intellectual property been disclosed to the Licensing and Ventures Group? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

1d. Is the subject matter of the information directly related to military technology? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

2. Complete the following if RECEIVING confidential information, otherwise, skip to step 3:

2a. Describe the subject matter of the confidential information.

2b. Is the confidential information related to any existing intellectual property that is owned by UVA or a member of the faculty? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes:

Has the intellectual property been disclosed to the Licensing and Ventures Group? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

2c. Is the subject matter of the information directly related to military technology? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Complete the following if SENDING software, otherwise skip to step 2:

1a. Describe the general purpose of the software you are sending.

1b. Describe the recipient’s intended use of the software.

1c. Was the software developed (in whole or in part) at UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details about the sources of funding used to develop the software – include PTA or the name of the sponsor, whose funds were used.

1d. Is this software an invention or discovery you have disclosed to the Licensing and Ventures Group, or need to disclose or protect before providing it to outside parties? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

1e. Should there be any restrictions on the outside party’s use of the software (i.e. only for a specific project or study, subject to 3rd party restrictions, ability to publish, etc.)? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide details.

2. Complete the following if RECEIVING software, otherwise, skip to step 3:

2a. Describe the general purpose of the software you are receiving.

2b. Describe your intended use of the software.

2c. Do you expect any restrictions on your use of the software (i.e. only for a specific project or study, subject to 3rd party restrictions, ability to publish, etc.)? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide details.

2d. Was the software developed (in whole or in part) at UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details.

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

Physical  Assets

1. Complete the following if SENDING physical assets, otherwise skip to step 2:

1a. Describe the physical asset you are providing.

Physical assets may be lunar rocks, equipment or other tangible assets that are not typically handled through a material transfer agreement.

1b. Enter the source(s) of funds to support the activity under this NFA.

There is space already for one Oracle Project Number and Oracle Award Number. If you need to add more, select the green plus symbol ( ). To remove one, select the red minus symbol ().

1c. Did the physical asset you are providing originate outside UVA? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, upload relevant agreements or other documents related to the source of physical asset, if available.

1d. Is this physical asset an invention or discovery you have disclosed to the Licensing and Ventures Group, or need to disclose or protect before providing it to outside parties? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail regarding current or anticipated disclosures to the Licensing and Ventures Group related to this physical asset.

1e. Describe the permitted use of the physical asset you are providing.

1f. Do you intend for the recipient to reimburse for shipping, preparation or any other administrative costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more information regarding any fees for which you are seeking reimbursement from the recipient.

1g. Do you wish to place any restrictions on the recipient’s ability to publish any information regarding its use of the physical asset? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more information regarding any publication restrictions that you would like to request.

1h. Do you wish to place any restrictions on the disclosure of results or the recipient’s use of the physical asset? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more information regarding any restrictions on use or disclosure of results that you would like to request.

2. Complete the following if RECEIVING physical assets, otherwise, skip to step 3:

2a. Describe the physical asset you are receiving.

Physical assets may be lunar rocks, equipment or other tangible assets that are not typically handled through a material transfer agreement.

2b. Describe your intended use of the physical asset.

2c. Enter the source(s) of funds to support the activity under this NFA.

There is space already for one Oracle Project Number and Oracle Award Number. If you need to add more, select the green plus symbol ( ). To remove one, select the red minus symbol ( ).

2d. Do you anticipate any restrictions on your ability to publish any information regarding your use of the physical asset? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more information regarding any publication restrictions that you anticipate.

2e. Do you anticipate reimbursing the provider for shipping, preparation or any other administrative costs? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more information regarding any fees for which you anticipate reimbursing the provider.

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

Academic Program

1. Has the agreement been approved by the Provost’s office?

Answer “Yes” or “No”

2. Provide a description of the project. Include how students will be involved and any research elements.

3. Select “Save.”

4. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

IP  Plan

1. Does the Intellectual Property Management Plan relate to a proposal that has been submitted or is in development? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, enter the ResearchUVA Proposal number.

2. Does the Intellectual Property Management Plan relate to a Notice of Award from the Sponsor? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

3. Do you anticipate that UVA will provide access to any of the project’s intellectual property to third parties? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

4. Do you anticipate that UVA will provide access to any background intellectual property in the context of this project? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

5. Do you anticipate that any restrictions on your right to publish in the context of this project? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

6. Select “Save.”

7. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Enter the anticipated originating sponsor.

2. Enter the name of the Solicitation you anticipate responding to.

3. Enter the Due date (or estimated due date) for the proposal.

4. Do you plan to submit other proposals or join other teams for this solicitation? Answer “yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details on the other proposals and/or teams.

5. Select “Save.”

6. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Describe the general purpose of the consortium or group.

Upload any consortium related documents.

2. Is the general purpose of the consortium or group related to military research or technology? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

3. Is the consortium or group organized under a Federal program? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

4. Is UVA required to make any financial commitments to join or establish the consortium or group? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

5. Do you anticipate that UVA will provide Confidential or Proprietary information to consortium or group members? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

6. Do you anticipate that UVA will provide access to any background intellectual property to the consortium or group members? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide more detail.

7. Select “Save.”

8. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”


1. Are there any UVA financial commitments that require tracking or reporting, including effort, hours, equipment, cost share, etc.? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details and upload documents, if applicable.

2. Are you aware of any information security restrictions on dissemination of information related to this research (i.e. NIST, FISMA, FAR, DFAR)? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details.

3. Will any of the activities be performed outside the United States? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details.

If this project involves Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or Covered Defense Information (CDI), check "yes." and click here for background information on this question.

4. Do you anticipate that any information subject to access, dissemination/publication, or release restrictions--from a federal or proprietary standpoint--will be collected, developed, received, transmitted, used, or stored by UVA to support performance of the proposed work? Answer “Yes” or “No.”

If yes, provide additional details.

If this project involves Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) or Covered Defense Information (CDI), check "yes." and click here for background information on this question.

4. Select “Save.”

5. Complete Remaining Tabs or Proceed to “Routing and Submitting the eNFA”

Routing and Submitting the eNFA

1. Once all tabs are complete, they will display a green check mark, like this:

2. Select “Review” button in summary window.

This brings up all of the data entered in one window. Scroll through and review for accuracy and completeness.

Edit (as necessary) by clicking on “Edit” next to any section that needs to be revised.

3. Go to the bottom of the review page and find the "Email Approvers" button.

4. Enter the names of the individuals who need to approve the eNFA request.  Individuals who will have appropriate access to the request will automatically be in the lookup for selection. At least the PI must approve the request.  If desired, enter a message to the approvers in the Additional Info box and this will be included in the approval request email.

The individuals appearing in the approval lookup have relevant approval roles related to the affiliated organizations on the form. Anyone with a Center Director role will also appear.  In order for a Center Director to approve, they must be sent a request via the Email Approvers button.

Request that they review for accuracy and completeness.

Approvers should:

  • make edits, as necessary
  • review certifications and prior approvals (if necessary)
  • select the “Approve Form” button

5. Email the URL to the School Signatory to Submit to OSP.

Request that they do a final review for accuracy and completeness and then submit to OSP.  When at least one electronic approval (or uploaded approval document) is received, the “Submit to OSP” button will become available to users with the Dean's Office Signatory or School Dean role.