Using Juice

Using Juice

Working with Juice, the Sponsored Programs Dashboard

It's important to get familiar with the "Using Juice" documentation on this site to understand not only the tool but also the context of the data in Juice. Before you start generating reports, we recommend you first watch the video, then read the background information below, and review the FAQs so you are able to extract accurate information from the app.

First, watch the intro video.

Watch Video now

Get started by picking your app.

Juice is made up of two different applications, which serve distinct purposes. 

The UVA BOV Quarterly Report app displays static information that reflects quarterly and year-end reporting to the University Board of Visitors. This app shows award funding by top schools and by various major funding sources, and is updated on quarterly basis (the FY18 reporting schedule will be published shortly).

The UVA Sponsored Programs Dashboard app is dynamic, includes a greater range of drillable data, and is meant to provide the most detailed and up-to-date information on major activities/indicators in sponsored programs at the University: Proposals, Awards and Expenditures. Various views of data are available via “Trend Analysis” and “Detail Analysis” options within this app. This app is updated daily.

Take a tour and explore.

Click on the “Take a tour” button in the top right corner of either Juice application for a quick overview of the application. Note that there are two tours in the Sponsored Programs Dashboard--one for Trend Analysis and one for Detail Analysis. After that, take some time to explore the apps and their functionality. Play around, hovering your cursor and clicking data points to see how you can drill down into information more deeply and extract the information you need and want.

The “My Apps” button located beside the username in the top right corner can be used to toggle between the two different apps in Juice.

Working with the UVA BOV Quarterly Report

View Quarterly Funding Summary. Compare with prior periods.

There are options available to compare the awarded funding of one fiscal year with another, as well as one quarter with another.

Further explore awarded funding breakdown by top schools and by various major funding sources.

Download images and data for your presentation, with a click.

There are download options below the various charts and data visualizations.

Working with the UVA Sponsored Programs Dashboard

View high-level Proposal, Award and Expenditure data on the Trend Analysis home page.


See more detailed breakdowns of Proposal, Award and Expenditure data on the Detail Analysis page, broken out by Classification, Category, Sub Category and more.

Find useful and familiar distinctions between data elements in the app.

Classification, Category, and Sub Category refer to Sponsors. Click on the different options to see what’s listed in each. You’ll see familiar values like Federal Government, Foundation, Industry, etc.

Use filters to customize the data you want to see.

There are filter options on the top right of the screen that allow you to specifically select the data you want to view. You can explore various combinations of filters. You can also save the filters you create.

The Adjust Filters button takes you to the filters menu. The small ribbon icon next to it helps you save your selection of filters. To save your selections as a custom filter, use “Save new +” button and give a name to your custom filter. A delete icon (the trash can) appears on all the filters you save, in case you want to delete them.

Select your date filters carefully.

There are two unique ways to select date parameters to view data:

View the data by month/quarter/semi-annual period, etc. by choosing “from” and “to”:

Or, view by Fiscal Year (e.g., FY2017):

It is important to note that by selecting FY2017, you are choosing the “closed” fiscal year option, meaning it will include more than just the period between July 2016 and June 2017. This is largely due to the fact that fiscal year closing and reporting extends to some degree beyond July of every year.* (More information in following segment)

Remember to take out the filters you don’t need. If you use the above two filters together, the data you will see will be the result of the combination of both filters.

Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns on the above.

Understand data as a reflection of operations, and the relationship of data to reporting periods.

It’s important to recognize that UVA Sponsored Programs Dashboard is a daily and unvarnished reflection of operations in OSP. Some user data needs may relate to comparing fiscal years that are formally closed. Other user data needs may not need to take into account quarterly or annual reporting cycles at the University. Juice can address both needs with the various options explained above, i.e. by utilizing the UVA BOV Quarterly report, or by selecting appropriate date filters on UVA Sponsored Programs Dashboard.

As noted above, the UVA Sponsored Programs Dashboard is updated daily, and the data is subject to change as such.

The UVA BOV Quarterly report hosts a static view of official University quarterly and year-end awarded funding numbers.

This way, the two Juice applications serve distinct purposes. Users can enjoy studying the dynamics of daily sponsored programs activity, while simultaneously having access to the static or “frozen” official numbers.

*With regard to quarterly and annual reporting, note that OSP has cutoff dates for the express purpose of timely formal reporting to the community and Board of Visitors. These cutoff dates are and must be later than the actual reporting period so that OSP has an opportunity to ensure the quality of the reported data for the particular period. OSP will be publishing these cutoff dates moving forward for the maximal understanding of the data environment as well as planning by users.

Understand data definitions.

The UVA Data Cookbook is a compilation of institutional data definitions. Units such as OSP that are institutional in their function add useful data definitions to the Data Cookbook related to the work they do so that data fluency and common understanding may be achieved across consumers of data across Grounds. Note that OSP has added definitions of various data elements to the Data Cookbook relevant to the Juice application. Users may find OSP-related definitions by searching keywords, simply searching “OSP”, or by setting a Filter by Functional Area choosing “Research/OSP”.

Understand important caveats to historical data as well as the impact of more recent changes to data definitions and counting/reporting methodologies.

Over the last two years, OSP has made significant changes to the manner in which it collects and reports proposal data, in order to improve quality as well as stay current and better benchmark with peers. Note that these changes to proposal data definitions and counting methodologies can affect multi-year trending analyses on proposals in Juice and elsewhere. Beginning FY17, the total dollar value of a multiyear proposal submitted is counted. Prior to this, only the first year of a multiyear proposal was counted. This counting approach systematically underrepresented our yearly proposal activity (relative to peers, etc.). Conversely, note that awards are (and always have been) formally counted in the year in which they are received.

Also, as part of the new methodology, all incremental awarded funding is recorded on the original proposal record (but appropriately taking into account the fiscal year in which the awarded funding arrives). In fiscal years prior to 2017, each incremental funding was awarded in the system on a new “proposal” record; due to this transactional approach, the University’s formal proposal counts were inflated.


  • In FY17 and going forward, Classification, Category and Sub Category reporting includes data on both Immediate (the sponsor that gave UVA the award) and Originating (the original source of funds) Sponsors.
  • In collaboration with Schools and units, OSP continues to strive toward obtaining accurate and complete proposal information; this is a shared responsibility. In this regard, we are presently in the process of cleaning and vetting FY17 proposal data. For example, we are currently in the process of removing Noncompeting Continuation proposals from the proposal count and dollars. Please keep this caveat in mind when reviewing FY17 proposal data. OSP recently soft launched the electronic Proposal Routing Form (ePRF) and are moving to online proposal routing throughout the University, which will also greatly improve proposal data quality.

Again, a caution that multiyear comparisons of proposals is not valid; users will encounter notices in regard to historical proposal data quality in Juice. The above-referenced comparisons are the equivalent of comparing apples to oranges, and thus are discouraged. Because it may serve a valid purpose in some cases, we have nonetheless made historical proposal data available in Juice.

We encourage, on the other hand, trend analyses of award data. It is important to note that FY17 award dollars are based purely on sponsor-authorized spending authority. This funding does not include program income or earned interest, which may be associated with awards, or expended from award PTAEOs. Both program income and interest may be understood as a result of awards, but they are not formally proposed or awarded. While program income and interest dollars have been counted in awards in previous years, this definitional or methodological change should have minimal impact on an award trend analysis.

Also, note that expenditures OSP reports in Juice are sponsored program expenditures only. They do not include non-sponsored spending (e.g., cost-sharing, startup packages or gifts) that may be spent to support research.

Remember, it’s everyone’s responsibility to put clean and consistent data into ResearchUVA

The success of our decision-making ability using the data in Juice is contingent on the quality of the transactional data in ResearchUVA. We rely on ResearchUVA users to enter clean data, tagging information correctly and adding notes to ensure other users understand and can find the data too. Thank you for your ongoing efforts to ensure ResearchUVA data meets our decision-making needs.